Do You Know Jesus?
Here is an Athlete that does - Listen Their Story…

Albert Martens's Biography
Born: Altona, Manitoba – 1948
- Canada’s oldest Ultra Marathon Runner
- A member of Athletes In Action
Since 1982 Albert has participated in:
- over 70 Marathons (42.195 km), Ultramarathons (100 km–1,024 km) and Cross Country World Loppet Ski Races (42-76 km) throughout Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, U.S.A. and Canada covering more than 40,000 km.
Among his most challenging marathons:
- the Jungfrau (mountain events climbing 1,810 meters) in Switzerland and the 135-mile Badwaterultra Marathon in Death Valley in Eastern California.
Hall Of Fame:
- Inducted into Manitoba Runners’ Association Road Running Hall of Fame in 2011
Competed in the 1st ever Polar Bear Marathon in Churchill, Manitoba, 2012
With thanks to: Athletes In Action, Animal Planet Film Crew, Albert Martens
Four reasons why Albert Martens runs:
- to raise money for charities
- because it is faster than walking
- it feels good when I stop
- it’s a gift to be able to run
Albert Martens’ new book: ‘Sand In My Shoes’
Scripture verses to live by . . .
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3: 5-6