Now…Our Story
The Christian Athlete: My Story (TCAMS) ministry was started in 2013, 12 years after I started my hockey broadcasting career here in Vancouver, BC. I had witnessed a baptismal service in my church one Sunday during which 6 candidates shared their coming to Christ stories. God seemed to tap me on my shoulder saying why not use your broadcasting skills to have athletes from the world of sports share their coming to Christ stories. I resisted the call for several years, citing all kinds of excuses.
In the realm of radio ministries, TCAMS, a once a week 15 min radio program, is really an absolute nothing-burger. Even so, God has provided both guests and support, sometimes really miraculously. With the passing of my co-host right before Covid in 2020, the ministry has been left to me and my wife Eve, and the primary goal of this ministry now is to continuously purchase more radio time for our 58 individual program guests. Radio time is purchased in 26 weeks and 52 weeks blocks. A click on our radio station link will provide information as to which stations currently air our program. We wish to purchase more!
TCAMS is, and always will be, a non-profit endeavor. There has never been a single $ taken out of the support money. There are no salaries. There are no administration fees. A total of $800, 10 years ago was used for production costs. Every amount of support has been used to purchase radio time. Both Eve and I willingly cover shortfalls or even aggressively purchase more air times ours-selves.
Fairway Tournaments Inc. is my Company which operates a golf business, broadcasts hockey games and produces the radio program we call The Christian Athlete: My Story, which is dearest and closest to my heart.
~ Bill Wilms

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