Do You Know Jesus?
Here is an Athlete that does - Listen Their Story…

Scott Simpson's Biography
Born: September 17, 1955, San Diego, California
College: University of Southern California, graduated 1978
Career Highlights:
- Porter Cup, 1976
- NCAA Championship Medalist, 1976 & 1977
- U.S. Walker Cup Team member, 1977
- Turned pro, 1977
- Won 1987 United States Open, 2nd in 1991
- PGA TOUR wins, 7 – Career Earnings: $6,778,27
- CHAMPIONS Tour win, 1 – Earnings: $4,538,850
- JAPAN TOUR wins, 3
- World Wide wins, 16
“Since accepting Christ, I’ve come to see more of who God is and how He sees the world. I think I have an obligation to help where I can, and though I can’t do everything, I can be an example for others and do a good job wherever I can. The helpless feeling has been replaced by hopefulness.“
Scott Simpson, Links Letter, 1986